Friday, December 8, 2006

5 december

Oh, the JOY...
Stach had a great time when he saw all those colourfull wrapped gifts on the morning of December 5th!! He was dancing up and down in front of our stove.
Sinterklaas gave him a lots of presents this year (not all on his birthday on December 5th, I'm glad to say), but hey, he's a great and sweet little guy!

So he got a few puzzles and a few games; things we can do together as a family!

And the BIG gift today was a racing track! Man, he's REALY happy!!

And I think I've been good this year too, because there were a few presents with my name on them!

So I'm happy too, because these will be great to work with in my Christmas journal!

And I also found the time somewhere (?) to create a little surprise for our dear friends across the street.
(For you who are not familiar with the whole "Sinterklaas" thing: every year, around November 19th, Sinterklaas visits our country with his "Zwarte Pieten". He travels with his steamboat all the way from Spain, to celebrate his birthday with all the children on December 5th. And, you've already guessed this, I think... he celebrates this by giving us gifts...)
So I made a little steamboat for them...

Inside I'd hidden some gifts for them. On "Sinterklaasavond", just after dinner, I put the boat secretly on there doorstep, ringed the bell many times and ran back to our house!!

So MUCH fun!!!

(They later told me it was a great succes!!)

Well, Sinterklaas has left our country, and the stores are already filled with Christmas decorations!
Soon it will be Christmas..

So I've got to work on my journal, 'cause I'm a few days behind!
Trying to post some pages tonight!

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